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PPS UMR 7126 – Laboratoire
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04/12/2008 Iordanis Kerinidis (LRI, Orsay)

Introduction to quantum interactive systems

We will provide a short introduction to classical and quantum interactive proofs and describe some of the main results and open questions. In an interactive proof system, an all-powerful prover and an efficient verifier receive an instance of a problem and the prover is trying to convince the verifier that it is a YES instance by exhanging messages (e.g. is there a hamiltonian cycle in this graph, is the permanent of this matrix 0). Such a system is complete and sound if the verifier accepts with high probability when it is a YES instance and rejects with high probability when it is a NO instance. In the quantum world, we allow the communication to be quantum and the main question we ask is whether such systems are more powerful or not? We will discuss the properties of such systems and their relation to the classical ones. Moreover, we will discuss a special case of interactive proofs, the Zero Knowledge Proof systems both in the classical and the quantum world. No prior knowledge of quantum computing will be assumed.