Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.

Require Import Arith.
Require Import Omega.

General definitions

Inductive optionT (A : Type) : Type :=
  | SomeT : A -> optionT A
  | NoneT : optionT A.

Implicit Arguments NoneT [A].

Definition is_transitive (A : Type) (r : A -> A -> Prop) :=
  forall x y z : A, r x y -> r y z -> r x z.

Definition is_injective (A B : Type) (f : A -> B) :=
  forall x y, f x = f y -> x = y.


Section well_foundation.

Variable A : Type.
Variable R : A -> A -> Prop.

Inductive accessible : A -> Prop :=
   accessible_intro :
     forall x, (forall y, R x y -> accessible y) -> accessible x.

Lemma accessible_inversion :
  forall x, accessible x -> forall y, R x y -> accessible y.

Definition is_well_founded := forall x, accessible x.

Lemma well_founded_induction :
  is_well_founded ->
  forall P : A -> Prop,
  (forall x, (forall y, R x y -> P y) -> P x) -> forall x, P x.

End well_foundation.

Core definitions and properties

Worlds and values

Module Type WORLDS.

Parameter world : Type.
Parameter world_sub : world -> world -> Prop.
Axiom world_sub_trans : is_transitive world_sub.
Axiom world_sub_well_founded : is_well_founded world_sub.

Parameter value : Type.
Parameter element : Type.

Parameter elem_to_val : element -> value -> Prop.
Axiom elem_to_val_surjective : forall e, exists v, elem_to_val e v.
Axiom elem_to_val_function :
  forall e e' v, elem_to_val e v -> elem_to_val e' v -> e = e'.


Module Core (W : WORLDS).

Export W.


Record config : Type := { c_w : world; c_v : value }.

Definition config_sub c c' := world_sub (c_w c) (c_w c') /\ c_v c' = c_v c.

Lemma config_sub_trans : is_transitive config_sub.

Semantics of the logic

Definition type := config -> Prop.

Definition Implies (s t : type) : type := fun c => s c -> t c.
Definition Conj (s t : type) : type := fun c => s c /\ t c.
Definition Disj (s t : type) : type := fun c => s c \/ t c.
Definition Later (t : type) : type :=
  fun c => forall c', config_sub c c' -> t c'.
Definition T : type := fun _ => True.
Definition F : type := fun _ => False.
Definition Forall (A : Type) (f : A -> type) : type :=
  fun c => forall x, f x c.
Definition Exists (A : Type) (f : A -> type) : type :=
  fun c => exists x, f x c.
Definition EW (t : type) : type :=
  fun c => forall v, t (Build_config (c_w c) v).
Definition SW (t : type) : type :=
  fun c => exists v, t (Build_config (c_w c) v).

Notation "s ⇒ t" := (Implies s t) (at level 85, right associativity).
Notation "s ∧ t" := (Conj s t) (at level 81, left associativity).
Notation "s ∨ t" := (Disj s t) (at level 81, left associativity).
Notation "∆ t" := (Later t) (at level 75, right associativity).
Notation "∃ x , t" := (Exists (fun x => t)) (at level 200, x ident).
Notation "∀ x , t" :=
  (Forall (fun x => t)) (at level 200, x ident, right associativity).

Definition Sequent (s t : type) := forall c, (s ⇒ t) c.

Notation "s ⊢ t" := (Sequent s t) (at level 86, right associativity).

Logic rules

Lemma id : forall t, t ⊢ t.

Lemma cut : forall t1 t2 t3, t1 ⊢ t2 -> t2 ⊢ t3 -> t1 ⊢ t3.

Lemma conj_r : forall s t1 t2, s ⊢ t1 -> s ⊢ t2 -> s ⊢ t1 ∧ t2.

Lemma conj_l_1 : forall t1 t2, t1 ∧ t2 ⊢ t1.

Lemma conj_l_2 : forall t1 t2, t1 ∧ t2 ⊢ t2.

Lemma disj_l : forall s t1 t2, t1 ⊢ s -> t2 ⊢ s -> t1 ∨ t2 ⊢ s.

Lemma disj_r_1 : forall t1 t2, t1 ⊢ t1 ∨ t2.

Lemma disj_r_2 : forall t1 t2, t2 ⊢ t1 ∨ t2.

Lemma false_l : forall t, F ⊢ t.

Lemma true_r : forall t, t ⊢ T.

Lemma implies_i : forall s t1 t2, s ∧ t1 ⊢ t2 -> s ⊢ t1 ⇒ t2.

Lemma implies_e : forall s t1 t2, s ⊢ t1 ⇒ t2 -> s ∧ t1 ⊢ t2.

Lemma forall_r :
  forall A (f : A -> type) t, (forall x, t ⊢ f x) -> t ⊢ Forall f.

Lemma forall_l : forall A a (f : A -> type), Forall f ⊢ f a.

Lemma exists_l :
  forall A (f : A -> type) t, (forall x, f x ⊢ t) -> Exists f ⊢ t.

Lemma exists_r : forall A a (f : A -> type), f a ⊢ Exists f.

Lemma later_lift : forall s t, s ⊢ t -> ∆s ⊢ ∆t.

Lemma later_double : forall s, ∆s ⊢ ∆∆s.

Lemma later_fix : forall p, ∆p ⊢ p -> T ⊢ p.

Lemma later_conj : forall s t, ∆s ∧ ∆t ⊢ ∆(s ∧ t).

Lemma later_true : T ⊢ ∆T.

Lemma later_forall : forall A (f : A -> type), (∀x, ∆(f x)) ⊢ ∆ (Forall f).

Lemma everywhere_lift : forall s t, s ⊢ t -> EW s ⊢ EW t.

Lemma everywhere_double : forall t, EW t ⊢ EW (EW t).

Lemma everywhere_d : forall t, EW t ⊢ t.

Lemma everywhere_conj : forall s t, EW s ∧ EW t ⊢ EW (s ∧ t).

Lemma everywhere_true : T ⊢ EW T.

Lemma later_everywhere : forall t, EW (∆t) ⊢ ∆(EW t).

Lemma everywhere_later : forall t, ∆(EW t) ⊢ EW (∆t).

Lemma everywhere_implies : forall s t, EW (s ⇒ t) ⊢ SW s ⇒ SW t.

Lemma somewhere_l : forall s t, s ⊢ EW t -> SW s ⊢ EW t.

Derived rules

Lemma implies_l : forall s t, (s ⇒ t) ∧ s ⊢ t.

Lemma implies_to_sequent : forall s t, T ⊢ s ⇒ t -> s ⊢ t.

Lemma conj_sym : forall s t, s ∧ t ⊢ t ∧ s.

Lemma conj_assoc_1 : forall t1 t2 t3, t1 ∧ (t2 ∧ t3) ⊢ (t1 ∧ t2) ∧ t3.

Lemma conj_assoc_2 : forall t1 t2 t3, (t1 ∧ t2) ∧ t3 ⊢ t1 ∧ (t2 ∧ t3).

Lemma conj_contract : forall t, t ⊢ t ∧ t.

Lemma disj_sym : forall s t, s ∨ t ⊢ t ∨ s.

Lemma disj_assoc_1 : forall t1 t2 t3, t1 ∨ (t2 ∨ t3) ⊢ (t1 ∨ t2) ∨ t3.

Lemma disj_assoc_2 : forall t1 t2 t3, (t1 ∨ t2) ∨ t3 ⊢ t1 ∨ (t2 ∨ t3).

Lemma later_r : forall s t, ∆s ⊢ t -> ∆s ⊢ ∆t.

Tactics useful for reasoning with the embedded logic

Lemma peek_1 :
  forall t1 t2 t1' t2' s, t1 ∧ t2 ⊢ t1' ∧ t2' -> t1 ∧ t2 ∧ s ⊢ t1' ∧ s ∧ t2'.

Ltac peek_rec n s0 t0 rem :=
  match eval compute in n with
    0 => apply (rem _ _ _ _ (@id (s0 ∧ t0)))
  | S ?n =>
     match s0 with
       ?t1 ∧ ?t2 =>
          peek_rec n t1 t2
           (fun s t s' t' (H : s ∧ t ⊢ s' ∧ t') =>
              rem _ _ _ _ (peek_1 (s:= t0) H))
     | _ =>
          apply (rem _ _ _ _ (@conj_sym s0 t0))

Ltac peek_hyp n :=
  match goal with
    |- ?s ∧ ?t ⊢ ?concl =>
      peek_rec n s t
        (fun s t s' t' (H : s ∧ t ⊢ s' ∧ t') => (@cut _ _ concl H))
  | |- _ ⊢ _ =>

Lemma conj_add :
  forall s t1 t2, t1 ⊢ t2 -> s ∧ t1 ⊢ s ∧ t2.

Ltac leftapp t :=
    [ refine (cut t _) | refine (cut (conj_add t) _) | refine (cut (@t _) _) | refine (cut (conj_add (@t _)) _) | refine (cut (@t _ _) _) | refine (cut (conj_add (@t _ _)) _) | refine (cut (@t _ _ _) _) | refine (cut (conj_add (@t _ _ _)) _) | refine (cut (@t _ _ _ _) _) | refine (cut (@t _ _ _ _ _) _) | refine (cut (@t _ _ _ _ _ _) _) ].

Ltac rightapp t :=
    [ refine (cut _ t) | refine (cut _ (conj_add t)) | refine (cut _ (@t _)) | refine (cut _ (conj_add (@t _))) | refine (cut _ (@t _ _)) | refine (cut _ (conj_add (@t _ _))) | refine (cut _ (@t _ _ _)) | refine (cut _ (conj_add (@t _ _ _))) | refine (cut _ (@t _ _ _ _)) | refine (cut _ (@t _ _ _ _ _)) | refine (cut _ (@t _ _ _ _ _ _)) ].

Lemma exists_extrusion :
  forall A (f : A -> type) s t,
  (forall x, s ∧ f x ⊢ t) -> s ∧ (Exists f) ⊢ t.

Ltac normalize2 :=
  match goal with
  | |- _ ∧ T ⊢ _ =>
      leftapp conj_l_1; normalize2
  | |- _ ∧ (_ ∧ _) ⊢ _ =>
      leftapp conj_assoc_1; apply implies_e; normalize2
  | |- _ ∧ Exists _ ⊢ _ =>
      apply exists_extrusion;
      let x := fresh "x" in
      (intro x; normalize2; generalize x; clear x)
  | |- T ∧ _ ⊢ _ =>
      leftapp conj_l_2; normalize2
  | |- _ ⊢ _ ⇒ _ =>
      apply implies_i; normalize2
  | |- _ =>

Ltac normalize :=
  match goal with
  | |- _ ∧ _ ⊢ _ =>
      apply implies_e; normalize
  | |- Exists _ ⊢ _ =>
      apply exists_l;
      let x := fresh "x" in
      (intro x; normalize; generalize x; clear x)
  | |- _ =>

Generalized Löb rule

Lemma later_fix_2 :
  forall s t, s ⊢ ∆s -> s ∧ ∆t ⊢ t -> s ⊢ t.

Equivalence (derived construction)

Definition Equiv s t : type := (s ⇒ t) ∧ (t ⇒ s).

Notation "s ⇔ t" := (Equiv s t) (at level 85, right associativity).

Lemma equiv_refl : forall t, T ⊢ t ⇔ t.

Lemma equiv_trans : forall t1 t2 t3, (t1 ⇔ t2) ∧ (t2 ⇔ t3) ⊢ t1 ⇔ t3.

Lemma equiv_sym : forall s t, s ⇔ t ⊢ t ⇔ s.

Type equality

Definition teq s t := EW (s ⇔ t).

Lemma teq_sym : forall s t, teq s t ⊢ teq t s.

Lemma teq_trans : forall t1 t2 t3, teq t1 t2 ∧ teq t2 t3 ⊢ teq t1 t3.

Singleton types

Definition tjust (e : element) : type := fun c => elem_to_val e (c_v c).

Lemma later_tjust : forall e, tjust e ⊢ ∆tjust e.

Lemma later_tjust_2 : forall e t, tjust e ⇒ ∆t ⊢ ∆(tjust e ⇒ t).

Lemma somewhere_tjust : forall e, T ⊢ SW (tjust e).

Lemma tjust_subst :
  forall A (f : A -> element) (g : A -> type) x x',
  is_injective f -> tjust (f x) ∧ tjust (f x') ⊢ g x ⇒ g x'.

Definition thas e t := EW (tjust e ⇒ t).

Lemma later_thas : forall e t, thas e (∆t) ⊢ ∆(thas e t).

Lemma thas_lift : forall e s t, s ⊢ t -> thas e s ⊢ thas e t.

Lemma thas_e :
  forall e t, thas e t ⊢ SW (tjust e ∧ t).

Lemma change_type :
  forall e t t', ∆teq t t' ∧ ∆thas e t ⊢ ∆thas e t'.

Definition scalar_type (t : type) :=
  forall w e v v',
  elem_to_val e v -> elem_to_val e v' ->
  t (Build_config w v) -> t (Build_config w v').

Lemma thas_exists_1 :
  forall A e (f : A -> type), (∃x, thas e (f x)) ⊢ thas e (Exists f).

Lemma thas_exists_2 :
  forall A e (f : A -> type),
  (forall x, scalar_type (f x)) ->
  thas e (Exists f) ⊢ ∃x, thas e (f x).

Definition necessary t := t ⊢ ∆t.

Lemma necessary_fold : forall t, necessary t -> t ⊢ ∆t.

Lemma conj_necessary :
  forall s t, necessary s -> necessary t -> necessary (s ∧ t).

Lemma true_necessary : necessary T.

Lemma exists_necessary :
  forall (A : Type) (f : A -> type),
  (forall x, necessary (f x)) -> necessary (Exists f).

Lemma later_necessary : forall t, necessary (∆ t).

Lemma everywhere_necessary : forall t, necessary t -> necessary (EW t).

Lemma tjust_necessary : forall e, necessary (tjust e).

Lemma thas_necessary : forall e t, necessary t -> necessary (thas e t).

Hint Resolve necessary_fold conj_necessary true_necessary exists_necessary
             later_necessary everywhere_necessary tjust_necessary


Definition nec t := t ∧ ∆t.

Lemma nec_true : T ⊢ nec T.

Lemma nec_lift : forall s t, s ⊢ t -> nec s ⊢ nec t.

Lemma nec_d : forall t, nec t ⊢ t.

Lemma nec_necessary : forall t, necessary (nec t).

Hint Resolve nec_necessary.

Lemma nec_and_necessity : forall t, necessary t -> t ⊢ nec t.

Lemma Grzegorczyk_axiom :
  forall t, nec (nec (t ⇒ nec t) ⇒ t) ⊢ t.

Recursive types

Definition contractive (f : type -> type) :=
  forall s t, ∆ teq s t ⊢ teq (f s) (f t).

Definition contractive' (f : type -> type) :=
  forall t t', ∆teq t t' ⊢ f t ⇒ f t'.

Lemma contractive'_to_contractive : forall f, contractive' f -> contractive f.

Lemma unique_fixpoint :
  forall f, contractive f ->
  forall s t, T ⊢ teq s (f s) -> T ⊢ teq t (f t) -> T ⊢ teq s t.

Section fixpoint.

Variable f : type -> type.

Fixpoint rec_def
     (c : config) (r : accessible world_sub (c_w c)) {struct r} : Prop :=
  f (fun c' => forall (H : world_sub (c_w c) (c_w c')),
               @rec_def c' (accessible_inversion r H))

Lemma rec_def_unfolding :
  forall c (r : accessible world_sub (c_w c)),
  @rec_def c r <->
  f (fun c' => forall (H : world_sub (c_w c) (c_w c')),
               @rec_def c' (accessible_inversion r H)) c.

Lemma rec_def_invariance :
  contractive f ->
  forall c (r r' : accessible world_sub (c_w c)),
  @rec_def c r <-> @rec_def c r'.

End fixpoint.

Definition Rec (f : type -> type) : type :=
  fun c => @rec_def f c (world_sub_well_founded (c_w c)).

Lemma fixpoint_property :
  forall f : type -> type, contractive f -> T ⊢ teq (Rec f) (f (Rec f)).

Lemma unfolding : forall f : type -> type, contractive f -> Rec f ⊢ f (Rec f).

Lemma folding : forall f : type -> type, contractive f -> f (Rec f) ⊢ Rec f.

End of core definitions and properties

End Core.

Dealing with the store

Assumption for dealing with the store

Module Type STORE_HYPS.

Parameter value : Type.
Parameter element : Type.
Parameter elem_to_val : element -> value -> Prop.
Parameter location : Type.
Parameter loc_to_elem : location -> element.

Axiom elem_to_val_surjective : forall e, exists v, elem_to_val e v.
Axiom elem_to_val_function :
  forall e e' v, elem_to_val e v -> elem_to_val e' v -> e = e'.

Axiom loc_to_elem_injective : is_injective loc_to_elem.

Axiom eq_loc_dec : forall l l' : location, {l = l'} + {l <> l'}.


Store typing

Module Store (H : STORE_HYPS).

Export H.

Module Store_world.

Definition value := value.
Definition element := element.
Definition elem_to_val := elem_to_val.
Definition elem_to_val_surjective := elem_to_val_surjective.
Definition elem_to_val_function := elem_to_val_function.

Stratified types and store typings

Fixpoint stype (n : nat) : Type :=
  match n with
    0 => unit
  | S n => prodT (stype n)
                 (prodT value (location -> optionT (stype n)) -> Prop)

Definition store_typing n := location -> optionT (stype n).

Inductive stype_sub : forall n n', stype n -> stype n' -> Prop :=
    ps_refl :
      forall n (t : stype n), stype_sub t t
  | ps_incl :
      forall n n' (t : stype n) (t' : stype n')
             (s : prodT value (store_typing n') -> Prop),
      stype_sub t t' -> stype_sub (n':= S n') t (pairT t' s).

Lemma stype_sub_trans :
  forall n n' n'' (t : stype n) (t' : stype n') (t'' : stype n''),
  stype_sub t t' -> stype_sub t' t'' -> stype_sub t t''.

Lemma stype_sub_rank :
  forall n n' (t : stype n) (t' : stype n'),
  stype_sub t t' -> n <= n'.

Definition st_sub n n' (ψ : store_typing n) (ψ' : store_typing n') :=
  forall l,
  match ψ l with
    NoneT =>
  | SomeT t =>
      match ψ' l with
        NoneT => False
      | SomeT t' => stype_sub t' t

Lemma st_sub_trans :
  forall n n' n'' (ψ : store_typing n) (ψ' : store_typing n')
         (ψ'' : store_typing n''),
  st_sub ψ ψ' -> st_sub ψ' ψ'' -> st_sub ψ ψ''.

Definition st_weaken n (ψ : store_typing (S n)) : store_typing n :=
  fun l =>
  match ψ l with
    NoneT => NoneT
  | SomeT t => SomeT (fstT t)

Lemma st_weaken_and_sub :
  forall n (ψ : store_typing (S n)), st_sub ψ (st_weaken ψ).

Definition st_extend n (ψ : store_typing n) l t : store_typing n :=
  fun l' => if eq_loc_dec l' l then t else ψ l'.

Lemma st_extend_and_sub :
  forall n (ψ : store_typing n) l t,
  ψ l = NoneT -> st_sub ψ (st_extend ψ l t).


Record world' : Type :=
  { w_t : nat; w_st : store_typing w_t }.

Definition world := world'.
Definition Build_world := Build_world'.

Definition world_sub w w' := w_t w > w_t w' /\ st_sub (w_st w) (w_st w').

Lemma world_sub_trans : is_transitive world_sub.

Lemma world_sub_well_founded : is_well_founded world_sub.

End Store_world.

Module C := Core (Store_world).

Export C.

Projection / embedding between types to stypes

Fixpoint approx n (t : type) {struct n} : stype n :=
  match n return stype n with
    0 =>
  | (S n) =>
      pairT (approx n t)
        (fun c : prodT value (store_typing n) =>
           let (v, ψ) := c in t (Build_config (Build_world ψ) v))

Definition to_type n (t : stype n) : type.

Lemma approx_prop :
  forall n t c, (w_t (c_w c)) < n -> (t ⇔ to_type (approx n t)) c.

Lemma approx_and_equality :
  forall t c, (∆ teq t (to_type (approx (w_t (c_w c)) t))) c.

Store typing predicate

Definition Get (l : location) (t : type) : type :=
  fun c => match w_st (c_w c) l with
             SomeT t' => t = to_type t'
           | _ => False

Notation "l ↦ t" := (Get l t) (at level 75, right associativity).

Lemma stype_sub_and_tequiv :
  forall n n' (t : stype n) (t' : stype n') c,
  stype_sub (n:=n') (n':=n) t' t ->
  n' > (w_t (c_w c)) ->
  (to_type t ⇔ to_type t') c.

Lemma get_and_later_1 :
  forall l t1, l ↦ t1 ⊢ ∆(∃t2, l ↦ t2).

Lemma get_and_later_2 :
  forall l t1, l ↦ t1 ⊢ ∆(∀t2, l ↦ t2 ⇒ ∆teq t1 t2).

Lemma everywhere_get : forall l t, l ↦ t ⊢ EW (l ↦ t).

Pure types

Definition pure p := p ⊢ EW p.

Lemma pure_fold : forall p, pure p -> p ⊢ EW p.

Hint Resolve pure_fold.

Lemma conj_pure : forall p q, pure p -> pure q -> pure (p ∧ q).

Lemma everywhere_pure : forall p, pure (EW p).

Lemma true_pure : pure T.

Lemma exists_pure :
  forall A (f : A -> type), (forall x, pure (f x)) -> pure (Exists f).

Lemma later_pure : forall p, pure p -> pure (∆p).

Lemma get_pure : forall l t, pure (l ↦ t).

Hint Resolve conj_pure everywhere_pure true_pure exists_pure
             later_pure get_pure.

Lemma thas_pure : forall v p, pure (thas v p).

Lemma teq_pure : forall t t', pure (teq t t').

Hint Resolve thas_pure teq_pure.

XXXXX Extra property of thas

Lemma thas_tjust :
  forall l f, (forall l, pure (f l)) ->
  thas (loc_to_elem l) (∃l, tjust (loc_to_elem l) ∧ f l) ⊢ f l.

Reference type

Definition tref (t : type) : type :=
  ∃l, tjust (loc_to_elem l) ∧ ∃t', l ↦ t' ∧ ∆teq t t'.

Lemma tref_necessary : forall t, necessary (tref t).

Hint Resolve tref_necessary.

Lemma tref_contractive : contractive tref.

Lemma thas_tref :
  forall l t,
  thas (loc_to_elem l) (tref t) ⊢ ∃t', l ↦ t' ∧ ∆teq t t'.

The memory

Definition memory := location -> element.

Definition mem_set (mem : memory) (l : location) (e : element) : memory :=
  fun l' => if (eq_loc_dec l' l) then e else mem l'.

Lemma mem_set_eq : forall m l e, mem_set m l e l = e.

Lemma mem_set_not_eq : forall m l l' e, l' <> l -> mem_set m l e l' = m l'.

Definition validmem (m : memory) := ∀l, ∀t, l ↦ t ⇒ ∆thas (m l) t.

Type preservation

Lemma memory_type_preservation :
  forall l t e, l ↦ t ∧ ∆thas e t ⊢ ∆ ∀t', l ↦ t' ⇒ ∆thas e t'.

Lemma unchanged_memory :
  forall m n (ψ : store_typing (1 + n)) v,
  (validmem m) (Build_config (Build_world ψ) v) ->
  exists ψ' : store_typing n,
  world_sub (Build_world ψ) (Build_world ψ') /\
  (validmem m) (Build_config (Build_world ψ') v).

Lemma memory_update :
  forall m l e t n (ψ : store_typing (1 + n)) v,
  necessary t ->
  (validmem m) (Build_config (Build_world ψ) v) ->
  (thas (loc_to_elem l) (tref t)) (Build_config (Build_world ψ) v) ->
  (thas e t) (Build_config (Build_world ψ) v) ->
  exists ψ' : store_typing n,
  world_sub (Build_world ψ) (Build_world ψ') /\
  (validmem (mem_set m l e)) (Build_config (Build_world ψ') v).

Lemma memory_allocation :
  forall m l e t n (ψ : store_typing (1 + n)) v,
  necessary t ->
  (validmem m) (Build_config (Build_world ψ) v) ->
  ψ l = NoneT ->
  (thas e t) (Build_config (Build_world ψ) v) ->
  exists ψ' : store_typing n,
  world_sub (Build_world ψ) (Build_world ψ') /\
  (validmem (mem_set m l e)) (Build_config (Build_world ψ') v) /\
  (thas (loc_to_elem l) (tref t)) (Build_config (Build_world ψ') v).

Lemma memory_access :
  forall w w' v l t m,
  (thas (loc_to_elem l) (tref t)) (Build_config w v) ->
  (validmem m) (Build_config w v) ->
  world_sub w w' ->
  (thas (m l) t) (Build_config w' v).

End of store definitions and properties

End Store.

Van Neuman machines

Module Store_hyps.

Parameter register : Type.
Definition element := nat.
Definition location := element.
Definition value := register -> element.

Axiom eq_reg_dec : forall r r' : register, {r = r'} + {r <> r'}.

Definition reg_set (v : value) r e :=
  fun r' => if (eq_reg_dec r' r) then e else v r'.

Lemma reg_set_eq : forall v r e, reg_set v r e r = e.

Lemma reg_set_not_eq :
  forall v r1 r2 e, r2 <> r1 -> reg_set v r1 e r2 = v r2.

Definition loc_to_elem (n : location) := n.

Lemma loc_to_elem_injective :
  forall l l', loc_to_elem l = loc_to_elem l' -> l = l'.

Lemma eq_loc_dec : forall l l' : location, {l = l'} + {l <> l'}.

Module Vect.

Parameter r0 : register.

Definition vect e : value := fun r => e.

Definition elem_to_val e v := v = vect e.

Lemma elem_to_val_surjective : forall e, exists v, elem_to_val e v.

Lemma elem_to_val_function :
  forall e e' v, elem_to_val e v -> elem_to_val e' v -> e = e'.

Lemma elem_to_val_rev_fun :
  forall e v v', elem_to_val e v -> elem_to_val e v' -> v = v'.

End Vect.

Module Proj.

Parameter r0 : register.

Definition vect e : value := fun r => e.

Definition elem_to_val e (v : value) := v r0 = e.

Lemma elem_to_val_surjective : forall e, exists v, elem_to_val e v.

Lemma elem_to_val_function :
  forall e e' v, elem_to_val e v -> elem_to_val e' v -> e = e'.

End Proj.

Definition elem_to_val := Vect.elem_to_val.
Definition elem_to_val_surjective := Vect.elem_to_val_surjective.
Definition elem_to_val_function := Vect.elem_to_val_function.

End Store_hyps.

Module S := Store (Store_hyps).

Export S.


Parameter step : value -> memory -> value -> memory -> Prop.

Fixpoint safen (n : nat) (v : value) (m : memory) {struct n} : Prop :=
  match n with
    0 => True
  | S n => (exists v', exists m', step v m v' m') /\
           forall v' m', step v m v' m' -> safen n v' m'

Definition safemem m : type := fun c => safen (w_t (c_w c)) (c_v c) m.

Definition safe : type := ∀m, validmem m ⇒ safemem m.

Definition tslot r t : type := fun c => (thas (c_v c r) t) c.

Lemma later_tslot : forall r t, tslot r (∆t) ⊢ ∆tslot r t.

Lemma tslot_lift : forall r s t, s ⊢ t -> tslot r s ⊢ tslot r t.

Lemma tslot_necessary : forall r t, necessary t -> necessary (tslot r t).

Hint Resolve tslot_necessary.

Lemma tslot_exists_1 :
  forall A r (f : A -> type), (∃x, tslot r (f x)) ⊢ tslot r (Exists f).

Lemma tslot_exists_2 :
  forall A r (f : A -> type),
  (forall x, scalar_type (f x)) ->
  tslot r (Exists f) ⊢ ∃x, tslot r (f x).

Lemma tslot_thas :
  forall r t w v,
  (tslot r t) (Build_config w v) -> (thas (v r) t) (Build_config w v).

Code pointer

Parameter pc : register.

Definition tcodeptr (t : type) : type :=
  ∃l, tjust l ∧ ∆EW(tslot pc (tjust l) ⇒ t ⇒ safe).

Lemma tcodeptr_necessary : forall p, necessary (tcodeptr p).

Lemma tcodeptr_contravariant :
  forall s t, ∆EW(s ⇒ t) ⊢ tcodeptr t ⇒ tcodeptr s.

Lemma tcodeptr_contractive : contractive tcodeptr.

Machine Instructions

Definition machine_instruction := value -> memory -> value -> memory -> Prop.

Definition encodes n (i : machine_instruction) :=
  forall v1 m1, m1 (v1 pc) = n ->
  forall v2 m2, (step v1 m1 v2 m2 <-> i v1 m1 v2 m2).

Definition load r1 r2 (n : nat) : machine_instruction :=
  fun v1 m1 v2 m2 =>
    v2 = reg_set (reg_set v1 pc (1 + v1 pc)) r1 (m1 (n + v1 r2)) /\
    m2 = m1.

Definition store r1 (n : nat) r2 : machine_instruction :=
  fun v1 m1 v2 m2 =>
    v2 = reg_set v1 pc (1 + v1 pc) /\
    m2 = mem_set m1 (n + v1 r1) (v1 r2).

Definition addimm r1 r2 (n : nat) : machine_instruction :=
  fun v1 m1 v2 m2 =>
    v2 = reg_set (reg_set v1 pc (1 + v1 pc)) r1 (n + v1 r2) /\
    m2 = m1.

Definition jump r : machine_instruction :=
  fun v1 m1 v2 m2 =>
    v2 = reg_set v1 pc (v1 r) /\
    m2 = m1.

Typing Rules

Definition tplus (l : location) k (l' : location) : type :=
  fun w => k + l = l'.

Definition toffset k t :=
  ∃l, tjust (loc_to_elem l) ∧ ∃l', tplus l k l' ∧ thas l' t.

Lemma tjust_subst_2 :
  forall A (f : A -> element) (g : A -> type) x x',
  is_injective f -> T ⊢ g x -> tjust (f x) ∧ tjust (f x') ⊢ g x'.

Lemma tplus_subst :
  forall (f : location -> type) l l' n,
  tplus l n l' ⊢ f (n + l) ⇒ f l'.

Lemma tplus_subst_2 :
  forall (f : location -> type) l l' n,
  T ⊢ f (n + l) -> tplus l n l' ⊢ f l'.

Lemma simplify_typing_rule :
  forall i s t,
  (forall l s',
   l ↦ s' ∧ ∆teq (tjust i) s' ∧
   tslot pc (tjust (loc_to_elem l)) ∧ t ⊢
   ∆EW (tslot pc (tjust (1 + l)) ⇒ s ⇒ safe) ⇒ safe) ->
  tref (tjust i) ∧ ∆toffset 1 (tcodeptr s) ⊢ tcodeptr t.

Lemma memory_contents :
  forall l s t m,
  l ↦ t ∧ ∆teq s t ∧ validmem m ⊢ ∆SW (tjust (m l) ∧ s).

Lemma simplify_typing_rule_2 :
  forall i (s t : type),
  (forall (l : element) (v : value) n (ψ : store_typing (1 + n))
          (m : memory),
   v pc = l -> m l = i ->
   t (Build_config (Build_world ψ) v) ->
   (validmem m) (Build_config (Build_world ψ) v) ->
   (exists v' : value, (exists m' : memory, step v m v' m')) /\
   forall v' m', step v m v' m' ->
   exists ψ' : store_typing n,
   st_sub ψ ψ' /\ v' pc = 1 + l /\
   s (Build_config (Build_world ψ') v') /\
   validmem m' (Build_config (Build_world ψ') v')) ->
  tref (tjust i) ∧ ∆toffset 1 (tcodeptr s) ⊢ tcodeptr t.

Lemma tplus_pure : forall l l' k, pure (tplus l k l').

Hint Resolve tplus_pure.

Lemma thas_toffset :
  forall l k t, thas l (toffset k t) ⊢ thas (k + l) t.

Lemma everywhere_forall :
  forall A (f : A -> type), (∀x, EW(f x)) ⊢ EW (Forall f).

Lemma forall_pure :
  forall A (f : A -> type), (forall x, pure (f x)) -> pure (Forall f).

Hint Resolve forall_pure.

Lemma implies_pure :
  forall s t, pure s -> pure t -> pure (s ⇒ t).

Hint Resolve implies_pure.

Lemma validmem_pure : forall m, pure (validmem m).

Lemma simple_load_rule :
  forall i r1 r2 k t,
  encodes i (load r1 r2 k) -> r1 <> pc -> necessary t ->
  tref (tjust i) ∧ ∆toffset 1 (tcodeptr (tslot r1 t)) ⊢
  tcodeptr (tslot r2 (toffset k (tref t))).

Definition notindom r (φ : type) :=
  forall w v l, φ (Build_config w v) -> φ (Build_config w (reg_set v r l)).

Lemma load_rule :
  forall i r1 r2 k t φ,
  encodes i (load r1 r2 k) -> r1 <> pc -> necessary t -> necessary φ ->
  notindom r1 φ -> notindom pc φ ->
  tref (tjust i) ∧ ∆toffset 1 (tcodeptr (φ ∧ tslot r1 t)) ⊢
  tcodeptr (φ ∧ tslot r2 (toffset k (tref t))).

Lemma store_rule :
  forall i r1 r2 k t φ,
  encodes i (store r1 k r2) -> necessary t -> necessary φ ->
  notindom pc φ ->
  tref (tjust i) ∧ ∆toffset 1 (tcodeptr φ) ⊢
  tcodeptr (φ ∧ tslot r1 (toffset k (tref t)) ∧ tslot r2 t).

Definition int := T.

Lemma addimm_rule :
  forall i r1 r2 k t φ,
  encodes i (addimm r1 r2 k) -> r1 <> pc -> necessary t -> necessary φ ->
  notindom r1 φ -> notindom pc φ ->
  tref (tjust i) ∧ ∆toffset 1 (tcodeptr (φ ∧ tslot r1 int)) ⊢
  tcodeptr (φ ∧ tslot r2 int).

Lemma jump_rule :
  forall i r φ,
  encodes i (jump r) -> r <> pc -> necessary φ ->
  notindom pc φ -> tref (tjust i) ∧ ∆toffset 1 (tcodeptr F) ⊢
  tcodeptr (φ ∧ tslot r (tcodeptr φ)).


Require Import List.

Definition program := list nat.

Fixpoint nth (n : nat) (p : program) {struct p} : option nat :=
  match n, p with
  | O, i :: _ => Some i
  | O, _ => None
  | S m, nil => None
  | S m, _ :: r => nth m r

Definition loaded (p : program) (l : location) (v : value) (m : memory) :=
  forall k,
  match nth k p with
    None => True
  | Some i => m (k + l) = i

Fixpoint program_type_rec (p : program) (k : nat) {struct p} : type :=
  match p with
    nil => T
  | cons i r => toffset k (tref (tjust i)) ∧ program_type_rec r (1 + k)

Definition program_type p := program_type_rec p 0.

Definition prog_st n (p : program) (l : location) : store_typing n :=
  fun l' =>
    if le_lt_dec l l' then
      match nth (l' - l) p with
        Some i => SomeT (approx n (tjust i))
      | None => NoneT

Lemma thas_conj : forall l s t, thas l s ∧ thas l t ⊢ thas l (s ∧ t).

Lemma everywhere_somewhere : forall p, SW p ⊢ EW (SW p).

Lemma somewhere_pure : forall p, pure (SW p).

Hint Resolve somewhere_pure.

Lemma tplus_r : forall t l k, t ⊢ tplus l k (k + l).

Lemma thas_toffset_2 :
  forall l k t, thas (k + l) t ⊢ thas l (toffset k t).

Lemma program_well_typed :
  forall p l v m n,
  loaded p l v m -> v pc = l ->
  exists ψ : store_typing n,
  (validmem m) (Build_config (Build_world ψ) v) /\
  (tslot pc (program_type p)) (Build_config (Build_world ψ) v).

Theorem soundness :
  forall p l v m n,
  loaded p l v m -> v pc = l -> program_type p ⊢ tcodeptr T ->
  safen n v m.

Isomorphisms regarding code pointers

Lemma forall_exists :
  forall A B (f : A -> B -> type),
  (∃x, ∀y, f x y) ⊢ ∀y, ∃x, f x y.

Lemma toto :
  forall A (f : A -> type), tcodeptr (Exists f) ⊢ ∀x, tcodeptr (f x).

Require Import Classical.

Lemma excluded_middle : forall t, T ⊢ t ∨ (t ⇒ F).

Lemma forall_and_exists_tjust :
  forall A (x0 : A) (f : location -> A -> type),
  (∀x, ∃l, tjust l ∧ f l x) ⊢ ∃l, tjust l ∧ ∀x, f l x.

Lemma titi :
  forall A (x0 : A) (f : A -> type),
  (∀x, tcodeptr (f x)) ⊢ tcodeptr (Exists f).

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