UNIF'95 Program
Saturday, april 1st
20.30: Dinner
Sunday, april 2nd
9.25: Welcome to UNIF'95
- 9.30: Franz Baader (Aachen) and Klaus Schulz (Muenchen)
On the Combination of Symbolic Constraints,
Solution Domains, and Constraint Solvers
- 10.00: F. Arcelli (Salerno), U. Borghoff (Xerox-France),
F. Format (Salerno) and R. Pareschi (Xerox-France)
Constraint-Based Protocols for Distributed
Problem Solving
- 10.30: M. Schmidt-Schauß
An Algorithm for Distributive Unification
11.00: Coffee
- 11.30: F. Ajili (Nancy) and E. Contejan (Orsay)
Complete Solving of Linear Diophantine Equations
and Inequations without Adding Slack Variables
- 12.00: E. Domenjoud (Nancy)
From Elliott-Mac Mahon to an algorithm for
general linear constraints on naturals
- 12.30: H. Comon (Orsay)
Linear diophantine equations, Presburger arithmetic
and finite automata
13.15: Lunch
- 15.00: F.J. Duran (Malaga) and E. Pimentel (Malaga)
Objects communication by extending the unification
- 15.20: G. Amiot (Marseille)
On decision problems for second order unification
- 15.40: S. Limet (Orléans) and P. Rety (Orléans)
An Attempt of Integration of LSE Narrowing and
Directed Narrowing
- 16.00: A. Middeldorp (Tsukuba), S. Okui (Tsukuba)
and T. Ida (Tsukuba)
Lazy Narrowing: Strong Completeness and Eager
Variable Elimination
16.30: Coffee
- 17.00: J. Levy (Barcelona)
A Decidable Second-Order Unification Problem
- 17.30: R. Curien (Nancy) and Z. Qian (Bremen)
Efficient Second-Order AC-Matching Algorithm
- 18.00: D. Lugiez (Nancy)
Undecidability of second-order complement problems
20:30 Dinner
Monday, april 3rd
- 9.30: J. Brown (Oxford) and L. Wallen (Oxford)
Representing Unification in a Logical Framework
- 10.00: R. Juan-Arinyo (Barcelona) and T. Soto (Barcelona)
A Rule-Constructive Geometric Constraint Solver
- 10.30: S. van Bakel (Torino) and M. Fernandez (Paris)
Normalization Properties of Typeable Term
Rewriting Systems
11.00: Coffee
- 11.30: C. Hintermeier (Nancy)
Basic Superposition with Partial Functions
- 12.00: C. Lynch (Nancy)
Oriented Equational Logic Programming is Complete
- 12.30: H. Ganzinger (MPI-Saarbrücken)
Redundancy and Saturation
13.15: Lunch
- 15.00: M. J. Fernandez (Vigo), M. Llamas (Vigo)
and J. Quemada (Vigo)
EXTRA: A Tool for Data Expression Transformation in
an FDT Environment
- 15.30: R. Ramirez-Melendez (Bristol)
Precedence Constraints in Tempo
- 16.00: R. Treinen
Feature Trees over Arbitrary Structures
16.30: Coffee
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This page compiled from material provided by Robert Nieuwenhuis.
Ralf Treinen
November 24, 2000