UNIF: The International Workshop on Unification

The International Unification Workshop was initiated in 1987 as a yearly forum for researchers in unification theory and related fields to meet old and new colleagues, to present recent (even unfinished) work, and to discuss new ideas and trends. It is also a good opportunity for young researchers and researchers working in related areas to get an overview of the current state of the art in unification theory.

Typically, the topics of interest include (but are not restricted to):

  • Narrowing
  • Typed Unification
  • General E-unification and Calculi   
  • Matching
  • Foundations
  • Implementations
  • Applications
  • Unification in Special Theories
  • Combination problems
  • Constraint Solving
  • Disunification
  • Higher-Order Unification
  • Type reconstruction   
  • Unification-Based approaches to Grammar   
  • Typical Format

    Usually, the meetings are for two or three days and generally include short (15 minute) and long (25 minute) talks, and possibly panel discussions and invited talks. Social time to discuss current topics of interest is also essential to a UNIF workshop. It is the custom that the organizers prepare a document containing extended abstracts (2-4 pages) of the talks.

    Association with Other Events

    UNIF workshops are not bound to any established conference series or organization. However, there is a strong overlap in interest with conferences in the field of Automated Deduction and Logic in Computer Science, such as FSCD (or RTA, historically) or CADE. Organizers might consider organizing a meeting in conjunction with one of the conferences in the field.

    Steering Committee

    The Steering Committee suggests venues and program committee chairpersons for upcoming UNIF workshops.

    Upcoming UNIF Workshops

    The next UNIF workshop will take place in Birmingham (UK), on July 14, 2025. It will be affiliated with FSCD 2025.

    Past UNIF Workshops

    Ralf Treinen
    February 18, 2025