Hekate is a BitTorrent seeder (informally, a ‘‘BitTorrent server’’, or software for your ‘‘seedbox’’) designed to handle millions of simultaneous torrents and tens of thousands of simultaneously connected peers.
(This is not a typo. We envision Hekate to be used
just like a web server -- just dump millions of torrents into
your public_torrents
directory, without worrying which are
Hekate is written in CPC, an experimental concurrent dialect of C. In order to build Hekate, you will need to install the CPC compiler first.
Hekate has the following features:
Hekate has the following limitations, many of which are there by design:
Please read
Hekate is experimental software, and is currently only available from a Git repository:
You may also browse Hekate's source code on Github.
Hekate was written by Pejman Attar, Yoann Canal, Juliusz Chroboczek and Gabriel Kerneis.