13/06/2002: Ralph Matthes (PPS et Ludwig-Maximilian Univ. Munich)
Contraction-Aware Lambda-Calculus


A simply-typed lambda-calculus is presented whose normal forms exactly represent the cut-free derivations of the contraction-free sequent calculus, invented independently by Vorobev, Hudelmaier, Lincoln/Shankar and Dyckhoff. Its crucial property is termination of proof search without need for loop-detection.
The proposed lambda-calculus LambdaJT follows the paradigm of generalized eliminations put forward by von Plato and consequently also has permutative conversions. It will be shown that strong normalization of the beta-reductions and permutative conversions nevertheless can be established elegantly - even yielding an embedding of the system with beta-reductions only into Girard's polymorphic lambda-calculus. The full system, however, also has specific rules for the elimination of contractions. A normalization algorithm can be given by extending the method of proving admissibility of contraction in the recent JSL paper by Dyckhoff and Negri. The termination of this algorithm is still an open question due to the rule of contraction-elimination for nested implications.
For the intended applications, LambdaJT has to be extended by rules of immediate simplification which can only reasonably be expressed in the term calculus as opposed to the original sequent calculus. This gives rise to a smaller set of normal forms with good behaviour with respect to interpolation: We show in a case study that for any proof of monotonicity of lambda P.(((P->Q)->P)->P)->P (with P, Q different propositional variables) in our calculus, we arrive at the positivization lambda P.(P->Q)->P, while there are at least three ways of blowing up this interpolant by suitable monotonicity proofs in usual lambda-calculus, even yielding formulas of arbitrary level. The hope will be expressed that this observation will carry over to a new proof of Pitts' result (JSL 1992) on uniform interpolation.