15/06/2000: Francisco Alberti (PPS) --- On linear decorations and optimising compilers.


I will show how the problem of finding an optimal translation from the (typed) lambda calculus into the linear lambda calculus can be reduced to finding a "minimal" solution of a system of inequations over a 2-point poset. To do this in a simple way I will introduce an alternative syntax of a (suitable) fragment of Plotkin's DILL (dual intuitionistic linear logic) that decorates types with annotations instead of relying on an separate modality. I shall then describe how this simple idea finds its way into an optimising compiler as an inference-based (static) analysis technique. Unfortunately, linearity is not as useful as it might first seem, so I will show how to relax the system in at least two different ways as well as hint at the problems of taking linearity seriously to inform optimisations like destructive updating, sharing and inlining. I will provide some (I hope illuminating) working examples.